Challenges we alone are prepared to take

We started importing and selling plastic materials almost 80 years ago.
Since these early beginnings, we have produced and sold virtually every kind of plastic material there is both in Japan and internationally and built a business by knowing all that there is to know about plastics so that we can offer customers a variety of choices on how to solve issues and get passed what troubles them most.
And, because we know plastics, there are challenges we alone are prepared to take in the wake of the strong pressures placed on the plastics industry by the growing concern worldwide for environmental issues and the push for plastic-free materials.
In fact, the new products customers have bought from us in recent years were born not just by us adopting environment-friendly materials but also by us staking a number of new challenges in the design stage and elsewhere.
Going forward, we will continue to stake challenges ahead of market changes as the pioneer we have always been.

Business fields
  • Packaging

  • Stationary

  • Medical device components

  • Molding

  • Raw materials

For more information, look here.

For the environment

Plastics have come under pressures in recent years that are forcing the industry as a whole to make some serious changes.
At Nixx, we have responded to these demands by reshaping products so that they are lighter in weight, using plant-based materials and developing products from dissimilar materials like plastic and paper. Moreover, our advice has been increasingly sought by food companies looking to reduce food waste and has resulted in numerous cases of our sealing technologies being adopted to extend expiration dates. Because we are heavily into consumer goods like food packaging, we can find viable solutions.
Proper use of plastics will continue to be at the heart of everything we do moving forward.

For more information, look here.


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